Saturday, May 17, 2014

New Tornado Siren
Picture taken by MYAC Member Zion Moulder
Last week, shortly before our last meeting, MYAC members took a short drive down main street to see the outdoor siren MYAC, along with the Kendallville Fire Department, had worked so hard to save up for last year with Operation Paul Revere.

The new outdoor warning siren has a battery backup which means that, in the event of a power outage, the siren will still be able to sound. Outdoor warning sirens are typically sounded during the event of severe weather, however they can also sound for other reasons too, such as during the event of a civil emergency.

Google Maps Satellite Image of New Siren Location 

The siren is situated next to the intersection of East Waits Road and Main Street. This means that the residences of mobile home parks nearby should be able to hear the siren loud and clear. It is very important for citizens to acknowledge that, even if you can hear the sirens indoors, you should not depend on them to warn you in the event of severe weather. Emergency Managers and the Federal Government highly advise all citizens in tornado-prone areas buy NOAA Weather Radios which can be found for about $30.00.

The old siren is to be reused in locations of our community which don't have good siren coverage after the Fire Department determines it is still functional. To the left is a view of the old siren according to Google Street View.

Given Kendallville's growth since Operation Paul Revere's initial launch, the Fire Chief says Kendallville needs five more sirens, as opposed to the original seven. These sirens can cost up to $28,000.00 each!

Outdoor warning sirens are an important safety measure for keeping people warned during severe weather, even with the modern technology we have today. Let's keep warning our communities for generations to come!

-Zion Moulder
MYAC Historian and Secretary


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