Thursday, April 17, 2014

We all know that drugs and smoking aren’t good for your health. So why do people, specifically teenagers, do them, and why can’t they stop?
Well, coming from someone who has seen it happen and the effects it can cause, tobacco isn’t cool. It can kill. It can make your bronchial tubes clog up and can cause a layer of plaque buildup in your lungs. Heart attacks happen often as well. But the most common is cancer. Many people who have done drugs or who have smoked have cancer.
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It’s not like you can just stop doing drugs or smoking. It’s not that easy. But it’s not your fault. Maybe you started because you wanted to fit in, or maybe because you were bored. But now you can’t stop. That’s because of the nicotine.
Nicotine is a chemical that makes tobacco addictive. Your body adapts to this chemical and after a few hours of smoking, you need to smoke more to feel normal — the same with drugs. There are also many other weird chemicals in tobacco. There is Acetone, which is in nail polish. Ammonia, which is in household cleaners. And formaldehyde, which they use to preserve humans before they are buried at death.
Smoking and drugs ruin lives and bodies. Don’t let them ruin yours.
If you smoke or do drugs, there are many people who can help. Although it is hard, it is possible. There are many counselors who are willing to help you just like they have others. It might be embarrassing but if you want to stay healthy then you need to look into this option.
I’m not here to tell you what to do, but to help. If you need help, don’t be afraid to ask. Stay healthy and safe!
-Hailey Meyer 


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